Dubai is known for pushing boundaries and taking superlatives— from the tallest building to the deepest pool. Now, it plans to add another achievement: the greenest highway in the world. Urban planning firm URB has unveiled a plan to transform Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road into the “Green Spine.” This 64-kilometer stretch will include autonomous solar trams and smart technologies.

Transforming Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road into an Ecological Transport Artery

URB proposes to change this transport artery into an ecological highway. Around the tram lines, a network of green spaces and parks will be created, improving the city’s walkability. In addition to solar trams, IoT sensors will manage traffic and optimize energy consumption. Solar panels on the highway will power the trams and provide energy to 130,000 households.

Innovation and Sustainability: Solar Panels, Green Spaces, and Water Conservation

The project brings 300-megawatt solar panels and an energy storage system. Green spaces with millions of trees will help cool the city and improve air quality. To maintain greenery in the desert environment, water-sensitive landscape techniques and drought-resistant plants will be used. Smart irrigation technology will adjust watering according to current conditions.

Dubai Faces Growth and Challenges

Dubai is rapidly growing. Its population is expected to nearly double by 2040. This growth requires innovation in mobility and sustainability. Baharash Bagherian, founder of URB, believes this project will help overcome the challenges of both the present and the future. The city must face climate conditions, urbanization, and population growth.

A Sustainable Future for Dubai

The Green Spine project demonstrates how future cities can balance technology and sustainability. Solar energysmart technologies, and green spaces set a new standard for ecological construction. This project is another step toward the sustainable development of Dubai.

SOURCE: Edition.cnn

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Michal Fusek

Co-Founder & Operations

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