Al Barsha

ABOUT Al Barsha

Al Barsha is situated along Umm Suqeem Road and is comprised of Al Barsha 2, Al Barsha 3, and Al Barsha South. It has a well-liked destination with a decent mixture of hotels, apartment-style homes, office buildings, and retail establishments. It is renowned for its reasonably priced apartments and convenient location near Sheikh Zayed Road, the Mall of the Emirates, and the Dubai Metro. Numerous apartment buildings and towers with multiple uses can be found in the area. Despite being primarily residential, a sizable portion is given over to commercial buildings. Apartments, serviced apartments, villas, townhouses, hotels, offices, retail stores, and commercial plots are among the properties in Al Barsha First. Apartment complexes with a mid-rise design are typically favored for residential purposes.

Key highlights of Al Barsha

– Family-friendly and safe community with lifestyle amenities
– Prime location amid major highways and a metro station within
– Home to Miracle Garden, Butterfly Garden and Barsha Pond Park
– Home to Mall of the Emirates, Barsha South Mall and My City Centre Al Barsha

Properties in Al Barsha

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