Dubai has been named the cleanest city in the world for the fifth consecutive year.

One of the things that usually catches visitors’ attention in Dubai is its flawless streets and clean surroundings. This year, Dubai has earned the title of the cleanest city in the world, an award granted by the Global Power City Index (GPCI). This marks the fifth consecutive year that the city has achieved this success.

The GPCI, published by Japan’s Mori Memorial Foundation, evaluates major cities based on their appeal to residents, businesses, and visitors. Cities are assessed across six categories: economy, research and development, cultural interaction, livability, environment, and accessibility. Among the 48 cities ranked, Dubai achieved a remarkable 100 percent satisfaction score for cleanliness. Maintaining such high standards is no small feat. Dubai’s cleanliness is largely attributed to the work of its municipal staff. Over 3,200 cleaning engineers and supervisors work daily, supported by a fleet of 855 specialized vehicles and equipment.

These operations cover impressive areas:

  • 2,400 km of roads and highways
  • 1,419 sq km of investment zones
  • 33.4 km of water canals and creeks

This daily effort ensures that every corner of the city remains spotless, even as its population continues to grow. Despite a population increase of more than 169,000 people last year, bringing the total to 3.8 million residents, Dubai remains committed to its cleanliness goals. The city tirelessly works to set and maintain world-class hygiene standards, further solidifying its reputation as a global destination for living, working, and visiting.

Dubai Municipality shared its pride in this achievement on social media, attributing the success to the collective efforts of its workforce and modern systems.

Michal Fusek

Co-Founder & Operations

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