Long-term investors shows interest in Dubai’s Palm Jebel Ali


In September of last year, master developer Nakheel Properties started to build villas on the future Palm Jebel Ali, after the Dubai government relaunched the project. The master developer later introduced more villas, to great demand from both domestic and foreign investors.

Long-term investors are becoming more and more interested in Palm Jebel Ali, which stands out as the best-performing area in Dubai based on sales during the fourth quarter of the previous year. According to industry executives, investors are profiting from the three-year surge in the local real estate market by selling their units at premiums of up to 10%. Palm Jebel Ali is expected to be one of the next major destinations in Dubai that millionaires and billionaires are vying for, following the success of Palm Jumeirah.

In September of last year, master developer Nakheel Properties started to build villas on the future Palm Jebel Ali, after the Dubai government relaunched the project. The master developer later introduced more villas, to great demand from both domestic and foreign investors.

While some are thinking about relocating there in the future, most are more interested in the potential capital growth given Dubai’s rapid expansion. Investors have a lot of hope.

Investors view newer communities as this, the next big thing in that direction, as areas like Palm Jumeirah age. According to research analyst Mayed Al Rashdi of Emirates NBD Research, Palm Jebel Ali was the best-performing region in Q4 2023 in terms of sales value, bringing in Dh14.2 billion. Business Bay came in third with Dh5.1 billion, and Dubai Marina came in second with Dh8.3 billion.

“In the prime villas sales segment, Jumeirah Islands and the Palm outperformed their peers in 2023 with a surge in prices of 33 percent year-on-year and 36 percent year-on-year in December, respectively,” Al Rashdi said in a note.

According to Farooq Syed, CEO of Springfield Properties, iconic projects like Palm Jebel Ali are crucial in reshaping market expectations for the luxury villa segment and creating new pricing paradigms that will eventually become the standard for both luxury and well-thought-out urban planning. This is why they are helping to stimulate Dubai’s off-plan market dynamics.

“Palm Jebel Ali stands at the forefront of this shift, embodying a blend of luxury, innovation, and sustainability meticulously designed to meet the standards of today’s global investors. With Dubai’s real estate sector registering Dhs35 billion in sales in January 2024, and off-plan sales witnessing a 25 percent year-on-year growth to approximately Dh15 billion from Dh12.2 billion in January 2023, it’s clear that developments like Palm Jebel Ali are shaping the future of luxury living. This trend is not just transforming the Jebel Ali district but is also a testament to Dubai’s position as a top destination for high-end investment,” said Syed.


Liam Chase, senior developer property consultant at Allsopp & Allsopp Group, said the response to Palm Jebel Ali has been positive from buyers and investors! “We’ve seen the launch of six fronds, and around 95 percent of the properties have been sold – which shows strong promise for the area… With the soaring demand seen across the launch of the first frond, two more fronds were launched to meet the market demand. Although, there hasn’t been any significant change in pricing,” Chase said.

“In terms of buyers’ preferences, we have seen a big influx of long-term investors seeking out future investment prospects, seeking waterfront living where they can step out directly onto their private beach. That’s their long-term vision – to create a community similar to what exists on the Palm Jumeirah, but with a much newer and more modern style,” Chase said, adding that the majority of buyers we’ve seen are investors.

Source: Arabian Business News, Property Monitor, UAE (https://www.arabianbusiness.com/industries/real-estate/dubai-real-estate-property-market-sees-57-deals-surge-in-2023, https://www.propertynews.ae/uae/long-term-investors-shows-interest-in-dubais-palm-jebel-ali/)

Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky. V Dubaji nie je zákon ako na Slovensku, že pri predaji nehnuteľnosti, ktorej nie ste vlastníkom viac ako 5 rokov, musíte zaplatiť daň zo zisku.

Svoju nehnuteľnosť môžete predať hneď na druhý deň a žiadne dane neplatíte. V prípade investičného zámeru je nehnuteľnosť zisková počas celého roka, na rozdiel od Chorvátska či Cypru, kde je počas zimy o prenájom nehnuteľností slabý záujem.

V zozname miest je Dubaj medzi piatimi najlepšími miestami na život a prácu na celom svete. V neposlednom rade ponúka neskutočné vyžitie. Okrem toho, že sa tu môžete 12 mesiacov v roku kúpať v mori, či bazéne, viete navštíviť jednu z najväčších motýlích záhrad, preskúmať pieskové duny v púšti, podniknúť safari, navštíviť jeden z najväčších aquaparkov na svete, ochutnať neskutočné množstvo kuchýň z celého sveta, zalyžovať si na snehu, vybrať sa s rodinou do Disneylandu, Legolandu či iných tematických parkov.

“Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky.”



Prečo je Dubaj pre Slovákov zaujímavou
destináciou na kúpu nehnuteľnosti?

Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky. V Dubaji nie je zákon ako na Slovensku, že pri predaji nehnuteľnosti, ktorej nie ste vlastníkom viac ako 5 rokov, musíte zaplatiť daň zo zisku.

Svoju nehnuteľnosť môžete predať hneď na druhý deň a žiadne dane neplatíte. V prípade investičného zámeru je nehnuteľnosť zisková počas celého roka, na rozdiel od Chorvátska či Cypru, kde je počas zimy o prenájom nehnuteľností slabý záujem.

V zozname miest je Dubaj medzi piatimi najlepšími miestami na život a prácu na celom svete. V neposlednom rade ponúka neskutočné vyžitie. Okrem toho, že sa tu môžete 12 mesiacov v roku kúpať v mori, či bazéne, viete navštíviť jednu z najväčších motýlích záhrad, preskúmať pieskové duny v púšti, podniknúť safari, navštíviť jeden z najväčších aquaparkov na svete, ochutnať neskutočné množstvo kuchýň z celého sveta, zalyžovať si na snehu, vybrať sa s rodinou do Disneylandu, Legolandu či iných tematických parkov.

Maria is the person behind the idea of the TRIM Brand. With main focus on creating our own DNA balancing the strong internal integrity, supporting environment and customer centric culture.

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