
For citizens of most European countries as well as for Slovakia, the validity period of visas after arrival at the airport is 90 days.

If you want to stay in the UAE for more than 90 days, you can choose the best option among the existing long-term visas.
There are several types of residence permits or residence visas that are issued for up to ten years. The period of validity is determined according to the basis on which the visa is granted. 

When investing in real estate, you have the opportunity to obtain two types of visas:
1. Green visas
2. Golden visas

1. In the case of green visas, the amount of your investment must be at least 750,000 AED (which is approximately 188,000 euros in conversion), if it is a purchase of an investment for a mortgage, a NOC (No Objection Certificate) is required from the bank, where the exact amount will be calculated was paid to the bank and what is the current mortgage balance. The property must be finished or at least 50% completed. In the case of green visas, you can be a sponsor for your wife and children for a period of 2 years. Important information is that a husband and wife can share one property and the value of the property is equal to AED 750,000 or more (a certified copy of the marriage contract must be submitted). If you buy a property that is worth less than AED 750,000, you are not eligible for a property purchase visa.

Necessary documents for processing green visas:
1- Passport
2- Availability of electronic certificate of ownership / title deed
3- Personal photo
4- Health insurance
5- UAE ID (if any)
6- Copy of current residence/entry visa (if any)
7- Certificate of integrity issued by the Emirate of Dubai (addressed to the Dubai Land Department)
Fees for processing green visas:
Investor stay 2 years: AED from 10,000
Family residence permit for 2 years:
– AED 7,082.25 for wife
– AED 7,082.25 for daughter above 18 years
– AED 6,382.25 for children under 18 years
– AED 6,701 for a son over 18 conditional for one year only
– AED 7,082.25 for spouse for two years

Green visas are valid for 2 years and are renewable, the processing of the process takes from 7-14 working days and physical presence in the UAE is necessary for the entire duration of the process, otherwise the process will be suspended and it is necessary to go through it all again.

2. In the case of golden visas, there were changes at the beginning of 2024 regarding reinvested money. The amount of the investment remained at 2,000,000 AED, which translates to approximately 500,000 euros, while it is necessary to have paid only the first booking payment, which is usually 20% of the property price plus 4% DLD (Dubai Land Department – something like our cadastre, where the registration of the owner of the given property is in progress. In Dubai, this is usually within six months of signing the purchase and sale agreement – SPA and it is the developer’s obligation.) payment of the booking payment plus payment of the 4% DLD fee, you can immediately apply for golden visas, which are granted for a period of 10 years and are renewable. In the case of golden visas, you can be a sponsor for your wife (marriage certificate required), children – up to the age of 30 (daughters cannot be married), your parents, 2 of your “babysitters” and 1 driver – for a period of 2 years. The changes in golden visa rules are seen as opening the door to the wider world and this progressive move is expected to attract more foreign investors.

Necessary documents for processing golden visas: 
1- Passport
2- Availability of electronic certificate of ownership / title deed
3- Personal photo
4- Health insurance
5- UAE ID (if any)
6- Copy of current residence/entry visa (if any)
7- Certificate of integrity issued by the Emirate of Dubai (addressed to the Dubai Land Department)
Golden visa processing fees: the total amount is from AED 14 450
Residence permit for 10 years
– 700 AED for medical examination
– AED 1,153 for UAE ID (10 years)
– 3000 AED for confirmation of residence permit (10 years)
– 4,500 AED for the land office
– process fees AED 4,500 / administration fee AED 1,155 /
Family residence permit for 10 years:
– AED 5,668.50
– 318.75 AED for opening a family sponsorship file – “sponsorship file”
– AED 2,500 administrative fees
Residence permit for your parents for 10 years
– AED 5,668.50 for 10 years
– administrative fees AED 3,750

Gold visas are valid for 10 years and are renewable, the process takes from 7-14 working days and physical presence in the UAE is necessary for the entire duration of the process, otherwise the process will be suspended and it is necessary to go through it all again. If you are interested in fast delivery, we can speed up the whole process to 5 working days for an additional fee for fast delivery, the price in this case is 20,000 AED.

The prices for green and gold visas can be different for specific cases depending on the client, this is just an example to show the amount of fees.

Other types of UAE visas are related to education/study, work – work visas, talent – highly talented athletes / artists, retirement visas…


➊ At what price should I buy my apartment/property to get a 10-year UAE gold visa?
At least 2 million AED (~ 500,000 Euros).
➋ Only one visa is issued for real estate worth 2 million. AED and subsequently lose my visa after 10 years?
No, visa holders can sponsor immediate family members and household employees after obtaining a golden visa. The visa can be renewed every 10 years.
➌ If the property is registered for two people, can they both get golden visas?
Yes, if the price of the property is more than AED 4 million and the shares are equal.
➍ I bought my property as an off-plan (“paper property”). When can I apply for a golden visa?
You can apply for a visa as soon as you pay the booking – which in most cases is 20% + 4% DLD fee. Until January 2024, the application for a golden visa was regulated by the minimum redeemable value, which was 50% of the price of 2M AED (1 million AED). This requirement was lifted earlier this year.
➎ Is it possible to buy several properties and use a mortgage?
Yes, when buying several properties, the total costs are added up. Mortgage is allowed, NOC from bank is required.
➏ I want to sell the property for which I received a Golden Visa, will my visas be cancelled?
You must own the property for at least three years, after 3 years and subsequent sale – you do not lose your visa.
Until the beginning of this year, it was valid: the property must remain owned during the entire period. You can keep your visas if you transfer them to a new property (worth at least AED 2 million) before selling.
➐ How do I find out if I am eligible for a Golden Visa?
Our agency TRIM Real Estat also ensures the visa processing process. We will need from you:
✓ Oqood Certificate (Initial Contact of Sale) / Oqood Certificate (Initial Contact of Sale)
✓ Statement of Account from the Developer (SOA).
✓ Copy of passport
➑ If I did not buy a property worth 2M, what are my options for obtaining a visa?
In the UAE, there are two types of investment visas that are conditional on the purchase of real estate: green / gold visas. Green visas are conditional on the purchase of real estate in the amount of 750,000 AED (~ 188,000 Euro), gold visas are conditional on the purchase of real estate in the amount of 2M AED. Other types of visas are: work visas, study visas, talent visas, retirement visas…

We are happy to guide our clients through the entire process of obtaining visas.

Autor: Jana Halušková, Sales Manager TRIM Real Estate

Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky. V Dubaji nie je zákon ako na Slovensku, že pri predaji nehnuteľnosti, ktorej nie ste vlastníkom viac ako 5 rokov, musíte zaplatiť daň zo zisku.

Svoju nehnuteľnosť môžete predať hneď na druhý deň a žiadne dane neplatíte. V prípade investičného zámeru je nehnuteľnosť zisková počas celého roka, na rozdiel od Chorvátska či Cypru, kde je počas zimy o prenájom nehnuteľností slabý záujem.

V zozname miest je Dubaj medzi piatimi najlepšími miestami na život a prácu na celom svete. V neposlednom rade ponúka neskutočné vyžitie. Okrem toho, že sa tu môžete 12 mesiacov v roku kúpať v mori, či bazéne, viete navštíviť jednu z najväčších motýlích záhrad, preskúmať pieskové duny v púšti, podniknúť safari, navštíviť jeden z najväčších aquaparkov na svete, ochutnať neskutočné množstvo kuchýň z celého sveta, zalyžovať si na snehu, vybrať sa s rodinou do Disneylandu, Legolandu či iných tematických parkov.

“Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky.”



Prečo je Dubaj pre Slovákov zaujímavou
destináciou na kúpu nehnuteľnosti?

Tých dôvodov, prečo je Dubaj z hľadiska investície zaujímavým miestom, je hneď niekoľko. V Dubaji je najvyššia návratnosť investícii a to 8-10 %. Neplatia sa tam žiadne dane ani iné poplatky. V Dubaji nie je zákon ako na Slovensku, že pri predaji nehnuteľnosti, ktorej nie ste vlastníkom viac ako 5 rokov, musíte zaplatiť daň zo zisku.

Svoju nehnuteľnosť môžete predať hneď na druhý deň a žiadne dane neplatíte. V prípade investičného zámeru je nehnuteľnosť zisková počas celého roka, na rozdiel od Chorvátska či Cypru, kde je počas zimy o prenájom nehnuteľností slabý záujem.

V zozname miest je Dubaj medzi piatimi najlepšími miestami na život a prácu na celom svete. V neposlednom rade ponúka neskutočné vyžitie. Okrem toho, že sa tu môžete 12 mesiacov v roku kúpať v mori, či bazéne, viete navštíviť jednu z najväčších motýlích záhrad, preskúmať pieskové duny v púšti, podniknúť safari, navštíviť jeden z najväčších aquaparkov na svete, ochutnať neskutočné množstvo kuchýň z celého sveta, zalyžovať si na snehu, vybrať sa s rodinou do Disneylandu, Legolandu či iných tematických parkov.

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